Riley Children’s Health


Enhanced Style Tile

In need of a site re-org and design refresh, Riley, a sub-division of IU Health, asked my team to assist their third party development shop. Responsible for all aspects of the brand’s digital aesthetics, I led the site’s front-end redesign. With the creation of an enhanced style tile, I was able to supply the client, their third party developer and my digital team a design blueprint for Riley’s website redesign. While adhering to brand guidelines, I worked with the client to add to the brand pattern to enhance the site’s tone and personality. Iterations of the enhanced style tile evolved into my designs for homepage and internal page templates.


• Creative Direction
• Design

Website Redesign

I worked with the third party vendor revising their wireframes to adhere to UX best practices. I designed the UI, including every interactive state, for 12 template pages in both desktop and mobile sizes via the third party developer’s request. During development, I fielded and resolved functionality questions and reviewed/revised beta site designs. The completed site not only exceeded client’s user survey expectations, time on site and established KPIs, but also led to agency involvement in the re-org of the primary IU Health site.


• Creative Direction
• UX Design
• UI Design


Celebrity Sponsorship

Riley Children’s Hospital garnered a celebrity sponsorship with Indiana Colt’s quarterback, Andrew Luck, and wanted to create a community engagement campaign to promote its new health and wellness initiatives. I collaborated with my digital strategist and copywriter to create the Change the Play Challenge; 8 weeks of challenges with uniquely themed activities and a chance to win the grand prize sweepstakes, a block party with Andrew Luck. The content for each week’s challenges centered around video demos, preformed by local children and Andrew, and step-by-step explanations of the physical activities. Accompanying the activities were nutritional information, recipes, Andrew’s inspirational quotes/videos and educational information on the health benefits of that week’s challenge. The digital strategist and I identified core sweepstakes functionality requirements; user registration/login, CMS for easy updates, and personal performance tracking with weekly email reminders. I worked with my strategist to wire-frame the UX for all site templates then designed the UI with adherence to brand guidelines. I directed production regarding asset manipulation and content creation, directed third party developers on functionality and execution, designed the accompanying email campaign for registered users and created standard, social, onsite and native display units to drive traffic to the site.


• Art Direction
• Concept Creation
• Design

Change the Play

Upon conclusion of the sweepstakes, we observed three notable results; metrics for the site were still very strong, participants desired more frequently updated content and Riley identified an opportunity to partner with local schools. In response, we decided to pivot the Change the Play Challenge to primarily focus on teachers and classrooms then created a Kid’s Club site to provide individual children and families with the monthly content refresh they had requested. Adapting the Challenge site involved the addition of teacher focused content areas, revisions to the register/login functionality and the creation of auxiliary downloadable worksheets. As the aesthetics evolved with the brand identity, the challenge videos, recipes and educational activities were updated annually. The creation of the Kids Club site included monthly activities, recipes, new Luck videos, email updates and a membership kit. I worked with my digital strategist to UX the four Kid’s Club templates, directed my Sr. AD regarding the Kid’s Club’s UI, designed the UI updates to the Challenge templates, worked with third part developers to execute both the Challenge and the Kid’s Club sites, and directed content creation and image sourcing for the Kid’s Club monthly activities. After 7 years and with 50+ classrooms participating, the Change the Play Challenge and Kid’s Club continue to engage youth’s across Indiana.


• Creative Direction
• UX Design
• UI Design

Experiential Engagement

Armed with an existing touchscreen, Riley tasked my team with creating an interactive, lead-generating, brand engagement for their sponsorship with the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. My digital strategist and I decided to turn the touchscreen into a fun selfie station. We suggested the museum reposition the kiosk to kid’s level and add an external camera. Then children would have the ability to take selfies, customize their selfies with digital frames and stickers and, upon completion, parents could email themselves their child’s selfie. The strategist and I wire-framed the experience and identified functionality and technology needs. I designed the UI of the selfie station as well as the email template, directed my ADs with regards to sticker designs and worked with the development team on final execution.


• Creative Direction
• Concept Creation
• Design