Change the Play
Upon conclusion of the sweepstakes, we observed three notable results; metrics for the site were still very strong, participants desired more frequently updated content and Riley identified an opportunity to partner with local schools. In response, we decided to pivot the Change the Play Challenge to primarily focus on teachers and classrooms then created a Kid’s Club site to provide individual children and families with the monthly content refresh they had requested. Adapting the Challenge site involved the addition of teacher focused content areas, revisions to the register/login functionality and the creation of auxiliary downloadable worksheets. As the aesthetics evolved with the brand identity, the challenge videos, recipes and educational activities were updated annually. The creation of the Kids Club site included monthly activities, recipes, new Luck videos, email updates and a membership kit. I worked with my digital strategist to UX the four Kid’s Club templates, directed my Sr. AD regarding the Kid’s Club’s UI, designed the UI updates to the Challenge templates, worked with third part developers to execute both the Challenge and the Kid’s Club sites, and directed content creation and image sourcing for the Kid’s Club monthly activities. After 7 years and with 50+ classrooms participating, the Change the Play Challenge and Kid’s Club continue to engage youth’s across Indiana.